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Saturday, 6 April 2019


Kang Asu

H2T - Scans A Website And Suggests Security Headers To Apply

h2t is a simple tool to help sysadmins to hardening their websites.
Until now h2t checks the website headers and recommends how to make it better.


$ git clone
$ cd h2t
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ ./ -h

h2t has subcommands: list and scan.
$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] {list,l,scan,s} ...

h2t - HTTP Hardening Tool

positional arguments:
  {list,l,scan,s}  sub-command help
    list (l)       show a list of available headers in h2t catalog (that can
                   be used in scan subcommand -H option)
    scan (s)       scan url to hardening headers

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit

List Subcommand
The list subcommand lists all headers cataloged in h2t and can show informations about it as a description, links for more information and for how to's.
$ ./ list -h
usage: list [-h] [-p PRINT [PRINT ...]] [-B]
                   [-a | -H HEADERS [HEADERS ...]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PRINT [PRINT ...], --print PRINT [PRINT ...]
                        a list of additional information about the headers to
                        print. For now there are two options: description and
                        refs (you can use either or both)
  -B, --no-banner       don't print the h2t banner
  -a, --all             list all available headers [default]
  -H HEADERS [HEADERS ...], --headers HEADERS [HEADERS ...]
                        a list of headers to look for in the h2t catalog

Scan Subcommand
The scan subcommand perform a scan in a website looking for their headers.
$ ./ scan -h
usage: scan [-h] [-v] [-a] [-g] [-b] [-H HEADERS [HEADERS ...]]
                   [-p PRINT [PRINT ...]]
                   [-i IGNORE_HEADERS [IGNORE_HEADERS ...]] [-B] [-E] [-n]
                   [-u USER_AGENT] [-r | -s]

positional arguments:
  url                   url to look for

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity: -v print response headers,
                        -vv print response and request headers
  -a, --all             scan all cataloged headers [default]
  -g, --good            scan good headers only
  -b, --bad             scan bad headers only
  -H HEADERS [HEADERS ...], --headers HEADERS [HEADERS ...]
                        scan only these headers (see available in list sub-
  -p PRINT [PRINT ...], --print PRINT [PRINT ...]
                        a list of additional information about the headers to
                        print. For now there are two options: description and
                        refs (you can use either or both)
                        a list of headers to ignore in the results
  -B, --no-banner       don't print the h2t banner
  -E, --no-explanation  don't print the h2t output explanation
  -o {normal,csv,json}, --output {normal,csv,json}
                        choose which output format to use (available: normal,
                        csv, json)
  -n, --no-redirect     don't follow http redirects
  -u USER_AGENT, --user-agent USER_AGENT
                        set user agent to scan request
  -k, --insecure        don't verify SSL certificate as valid
  -r, --recommendation  output only recommendations [default]
  -s, --status          output actual status (eg: existent headers only)

For now the output is only in normal mode. Understant it as follows:
  • [+] Red Headers are bad headers that open a breach on your website or maybe show a lots of information. We recommend fix it.
  • [+] Yellow Headers are good headers that is not applied on your website. We recommend apply them.
  • [-] Green Headers are good headers that is already used in your website. It's shown when use -s flag.

  • Cookie HTTP Only would be good to be applied
  • Cookie over SSL/TLS would be good to be applied
  • Server header would be good to be removed
  • Referrer-Policy would be good to be applied
  • X-Frame-Options is already in use, nothing to do here
  • X-XSS-Protection is already in use, nothing to do here


List h2t catalog

Scan from file

Scan url

Scan verbose

Headers information

Kang Asu

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