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Thursday 9 May 2019


Kang Asu

Cutter - Free And Open-Source GUI For Radare2 Reverse Engineering Framework

Cutter is a free and open-source GUI for radare2 reverse engineering framework. Its goal is making an advanced, customizable and FOSS reverse-engineering platform while keeping the user experience at mind. Cutter is created by reverse engineers for reverse engineers.

Downloading a release
Cutter is available for all platforms (Linux, macOS, Windows). You can download the latest release here.
  • macOS: Download the latest .dmg file or use Homebrew Cask brew cask install cutter.
  • Windows: Download the latest Zip archive.
  • Linux: Download the latest AppImage file. Then just make it executable and run it:
    • chmod +x <appimage_file>
    • ./<appimage_file>

Building from sources
To build Cutter on your local machine, please follow this guide: Building from source

To deploy cutter using a pre-built Dockerfile, it's possible to use the provided configuration. The corresponding file also contains instructions on how to get started using the docker image with minimal effort.

You can find our documentation here.

Right now the best place to obtain help from Cutter developers and community is to contact us on:

Kang Asu

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