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Saturday 25 May 2019

Project iKy

Kang Asu

Project iKy - Tool That Collects Information From An Email And Shows Results In A Nice Visual Interface

Project iKy is a tool that collects information from an email and shows results in a nice visual interface.

Visit the Gitlab Page of the Project


First of all we want to advice you that we have changed the Frontend from AngularJS to Angular 7. For this reason we left the project with AngularJS as Frontend in the iKy-v1 branch and the documentation for its installation here.
The reason of changing the Frontend was to update the technology and get an easier way of installation.



Clone repository

git clone

Install Backend

You must install Redis
tar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gz
cd redis-stable
sudo make install
And turn on the server in a terminal

Python stuff and Celery
You must install the libraries inside requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
And turn on Celery in another terminal, within the directory backend
Finally, again, in another terminal turn on backend app from directory backend

Install Frontend

First of all, install nodejs.

Inside the directory frontend install the dependencies
npm install

Turn on Frontend Server
Finally, to run frontend server, execute:
npm start


Open the browser in this url

Config API Keys

Once the application is loaded in the browser, you should go to the Api Keys option and load the values of the APIs that are needed.

  • Fullcontact: Generate the APIs from here
  • Twitter: Generate the APIs from here
  • Linkedin: Only the user and password of your account must be loaded

Kang Asu

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