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Thursday 2 May 2019


Kang Asu

Reverie - Automated Pentest Tools Designed For Parrot Linux

Automated Pentest Tools Designed For Parrot Linux.

this tool will make your basic pentesting task like Information Gathering, Security Auditing, And Reporting so this tool will do every task fully automatic.

Usage Guide
Download / Clone
~# git clone
Go Inside reverie Dir
~# cd reverie
Give Permission To reverie
~# chmod 777 *.sh
Run reverie without install
~# ./
If you want to install reverie
~# ./

  • 1.0 First Release
  • 1.1 Fixing Error In Nikto Command Line

Pentest Tools Auto Executed With Reverie
  • Whois Lookup
  • DNSwalk
  • Nmap
  • Dmitry
  • Whatweb
  • wafw00f
  • Load Balancing Detector
  • SSLyze
  • TLSSled
  • Automater
  • Nikto
  • And More Tool Soon

this is preview of Reverie Auto Pentest

Tools Preview

Output Result

Report In HTML

  • Do not scan government and private IT objects without legal permission.
  • Do At Your Own Risk

Kang Asu

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