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Sunday, 16 June 2019


Kang Asu

GhostDelivery - This Tool Creates A Obfuscated .vbs Script To Download A Payload Hosted On A Server To %TEMP% Directory, Execute Payload And Gain Persistence

Python script to generate obfuscated .vbs script that delivers payload with persistence and windows antivirus disabling functions.

Downloads payload to TEMP directory and executes payload to bypass windows smart screen. Disables Defender, UAC/user account control, Defender Notifications, injects/creates Command Prompt and Microsoft Edge shortcuts with payload path (%TEMP%/payload.exe), adds a scheduled task called "WindowsDefender" for payload to be run at login and obfuscates the vbs delivery script. This tool also has a serveo function to deliver obfuscated vbs script.

Light version:
The light version is less noisy and only delivers/executes payload, creates a scheduled task named "WindowsDefender" to run payload at login for persistence and injects/creates Command Prompt and Microsoft Edge shortcuts with payload path.

*Python 2.7, Modules imported in script. (random, sys, string, os, time, base64)

Kang Asu

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