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Wednesday 19 June 2019

TOR Router

Kang Asu

TOR Router - A Tool That Allow You To Make TOR Your Default Gateway And Send All Internet Connections Under TOR

Tor Router allow you to use TOR as a transparent proxy and send all your trafic under TOR INCLUDING DNS REQUESTS, the only that you need is: a system using systemd (if you want to use the service) and tor.

Script to install on distros using SystemD only
If you are using BlackArch Linux ( you can install the script from the repos using the following command: # pacman -S tor-router
To install from source:
~$ git clone && cd ./tor-router && sudo bash

In distros using systemd, you should consideer using the script, anyways the process to install/configure tor-router is described here.
It script require root privileges
  1. Open a terminal and clone the script using the following command:
~$ git clone && cd tor-router/files
  1. Put the following lines at the end of /etc/tor/torrc
# Seting up TOR transparent proxy for tor-router
AutomapHostsOnResolve 1
TransPort 9040
DNSPort 5353
  1. Restart the tor service
  2. Execute the tor-router script as root
# sudo ./tor-router
  1. Now all your traffic is under TOR, you can check that in the following pages: and for DNS tests:
  2. In order to automate the process of the script, you should add it to the SYSTEM autostart scripts according that the init that you are using, for systemd we have a .service file in the files folder.

Delete the tor-router configuration lines in /etc/tor/torrc, disable the tor-router.service using systemctl (if you used the script), remove /usr/bin/tor-router, /etc/systemd/system/tor-router.service and restart your computer.

Proof of concept
After of run the script, follow the next steps to ensure that all is working as expected:
A tool that allow you to make TOR your default gateway and send all internet connections under TOR (as transparent proxy) for increase privacy/anonymity without extra unnecessary code. (1)
  • Checking DNS Leaks: Visit and make a extended test to see what are your DNS. You shloud get some like it:

Kang Asu

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