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Friday 17 April 2020


Kang Asu
HikPwn - A Simple Scanner For Hikvision Devices

HikPwn, a simple scanner for Hikvision devices with basic vulnerability scanning capabilities written in Python 3.8. This project was born out of curiosity while I was capturing and watching network traffic generated by some of Hikvision's software and devices.

Setup instructions:
git clone
cd HikPwn
pip install -r requirements.txt

Tested on:
  • Python 3.8 on Linux 4.19 x86_64

Functions and characteristics:
  • Passive discovery of Hikvision devices.
  • Active discovery and enumeration of Hikvision devices via UDP probing.
 Work in progress... stay tuned!

  • Add detection and exploitation capabilities for ICSA-17-124-01.

usage: [-h] --interface INTERFACE --address ADDRESS [--active]

HikPwn, a simple scanner for Hikvision devices with basic vulnerability scanning capabilities written in Python 3.8. by Ananke:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --interface INTERFACE the network interface to use
  --address ADDRESS     the ip address of the selected network interface
  --active              enable "active" discovery

Censored preview:
Using eth0 as network interface and XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX as its IP address...

[*] Started 30 seconds of both passive and active discovery...

[*] Active discovery's results:

 LABEL                     DATA      
 Serial Number             xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 Description               DS-2DE4220IW-D
 MAC                       XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX
 IP                        XXX.XXX.XXX.XX
 DHCP in use               false     
 Software Version          V5.4.3build 160810
 DSP Version               V7.3 build 160801
 Boot Time                 2019-03-01 00:05:33
 Activation Status         true      
 Password Reset Ability    true      

[*] Passive discovery didn't find any device.
This project is for educational purposes only. Don't use it for illegal activities. I don't support nor condone illegal or unethical actions and I can't be held responsible for possible misuse of this software.

Kang Asu

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